For Authors

Mathematics Plus


to submit manuscripts and materials for publication

It is recommended that a manuscript is designed by a standard text processing program not exceeding 6 typewritten pages (about 10 000 – 11 000 signs). It is desirable to use indents from the left and right of the paragraphs without additional tabulations.

If formulae, graphics, illustrations and/or drawings are included in the publication they should fit for processing with applications that are used for the purpose widely. Their resolution should be not less than 300 dpi, irrespectively of the format (.jpg, .eps, .tif, and s.o.). It is desirable that they are sent in separate files.

It is preferable to send manuscripts attached to e-mail messages using or to post discs to the editorial office:

АDE, office 13

10, Saint Ekaterina Str.

1618 Sofia

tel. +359 898 670 640

Materials on paper should be sent in duplicate to the editorial office or to a member of the editorial board using the address above. In such a case the illustrations and drawings in the text should be presented on separate sheet.

Manuscripts are not returned.