Terms and conditions
Mathematics +
Please read these Terms carefully before using the site. They have the force of a contract between you and Archimedes Publishing House, compliance with which entitles you to use the services of the site for personal and non-commercial purposes. By accessing the website, you agree to abide by these general terms and conditions and any subsequent changes thereto.
If you do not agree to the general terms and conditions described below, please leave this site.
- General
Archimedes Publishing House (hereinafter referred to as Archimedes) works together with the Association for the Development of Education for the publication of the magazine “Mathematics Plus”!
These general terms and conditions govern the relationship between Archimedes and any person – legal or natural (hereinafter referred to as USER), who visits the website of Archimedes or the pages of its publications for the use of information and services (hereinafter referred to as the SERVICES). provided through the websites owned by Archimedes (hereinafter referred to as the PAGE).
- Terms of Use
By opening any link (hyperlink) on the page or using the services, the user declares that he is familiar with, accepts and undertakes to comply with these general terms, their updates and all other conditions set by Bulgarian and international law. .
- Copyright
All rights to the content of the page you are visiting are reserved. The use of materials, services or parts thereof may take place only after obtaining the express written consent of Archimedes. Their unregulated use will be prosecuted in civil, administrative and criminal law in accordance with current Bulgarian legislation.
- Registration, system access and security
The user provides true, accurate, up-to-date and complete information about himself when filling in the registration form (hereinafter referred to as PERSONAL DATA) In the event of a change in personal data, he should immediately update his profile.
The user receives the desired name and password to access the services of Archimedes after registration.
In case the password is lost (forgotten) Archimedes will automatically generate and send a new password to the registered e-mail.
The responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of the received username and password lies with the user. He is also fully responsible for all activities and services accessed with his username and password.
The user undertakes to terminate access to the services (exit from the system) at the end of each session.
The user agrees to notify Archimedes immediately of any unauthorized use of the username and password or of any other breach of security of which he has become aware.
Archimedes reserves the right to refuse account registration and granting access if it deems that these general terms and conditions are not met.
Archimedes reserves the right to provide data on the identity of the user to third parties who claim violations of their personal rights through communication to the user.
Archimedes shall not be liable for any damages or losses incurred due to non-compliance with the provisions of this paragraph.
- Cancellation of acces
Archimedes has the right unilaterally and without notice to terminate access to services provided if:
– the user infringes on the good name of Archimedes, uses texts with obscene or offensive content, proclaims and disseminates religious, religious or political ideas;
– in case of established incorrectness in the user’s data;
– in case of reasonable suspicion of violation of the present general conditions;
– in case of violation of the current legislation, or endangering the operability of the software and technical means through which the services are provided.
Archimedes has the right to use all technological and legal measures to detect violators and inform the competent authorities.
Archimedes reserves the right to delete a user-created account that has not been used for three months and has no active services.
- Confidentiality
Archimedes undertakes not to disclose created usernames and passwords or other personal information to the user without prior consent – unless required by applicable law. By accepting these general terms and conditions, the user agrees that the personal data provided by them will be processed by Archimedes electronically.
Archimedes may provide the collected statistical information on the site traffic to advertisers / advertising agencies, which keep statistics on clicks on their advertising banners and links, as well as for the purposes of direct marketing. By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the User agrees to the processing of his personal data for the purposes of direct marketing. If the personal data does not want to be used for the purposes of direct marketing, the user should notify Archimedes in writing.
- Limitation of liability
Archimedes is not liable for damages – including losses, lost profits and others caused to the user as a result of using the services, as well as for the inability or inability of the user to use each individual service.
Archimedes is not responsible for the consequences, or possible damages, caused by, or in any way related to the access, use or inability to use the site. All available information is provided in accordance with the current Bulgarian legislation, without a guarantee by Archimedes for its inviolability and safety from malicious attacks by third parties.
Archimedes strives to maintain true and accurate information without ensuring that errors and omissions are not possible.
Archimedes is not responsible for the subjective perceptions and interpretation of the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information resources on this page, or for the information contained in other pages to which this page contains links.
Archimedes shall not be liable for any malfunction of the software or hardware of other operators, internet or telecommunication connections in and / or outside the country, as a result of which the user may not use in part or in full the services provided.
Archimedes is entitled to compensation for all damages, costs and claims of third parties that result from unauthorized use of the services on the site and / or violation of these general conditions.
- Other terms
Archimedes reserves the right to make changes to these general terms and conditions at any time by promptly posting these changes on the site, along with a notice of the changes.
Archimedes has the right to change the technology and design of the services provided without notice.
Archimedes reserves the right to send its users system messages related to new services or changes in the terms and conditions of use.
The advertiser is solely responsible for the content and use of trademarks, text and illustrations in all advertisements published on the page.
The current Bulgarian legislation applies to all issues not settled by these general terms and conditions.
These General Terms and Conditions have been adopted by a decision of the Director of Archimedes and shall enter into force as of 01.04.2021